Where are you from?
Manchester ;)
What do you do?
I make music [as Freak Slug] and paintings.
Describe your music in five words.
Dream-frog, cloudy, bin-juice, tree-sap indie.
What’s the greatest gig you’ve ever played?
Probs the Green Man fest. We were all in check, and I felt like Liam Gallagher for absolutely no reason.
What’s your favourite food?
Cherry blossom ice cream.
Do you have a backstage ritual?
Fuck yeah. I’ve learned the hard way – I don’t wanna talk to anyone outside of the band. I wanna keep it pure.
Playing a show is a very unique experience; the nerves aren’t fuckin’ normal. You've gotta do whatever makes you feel right – and for me, that’s being alone.
What’s your favourite music magazine?
I like Crack, but I love BEAT.
What’s the best thing a fan has given you?
A fuckin’ glass trophy – lmao – with my name on it.
Who’s your number one crush?
God, there’s so many. Can I be basic for now and say Kurt Cob, cos that kinda guy has been my type since year 3.
And your number two?
Love these crush questions. What is life without a crush? Dunno how I could forget Adam Driver. Wow, he replaces Kurt cos he’s healthy and probs more long-term material. I don’t think I would get bored with him.
What’s the last text you sent?
If we’re talking strictly text, then technically “Nico”. We made some interlude transition tracks for the shows we have coming up.
What do you always have in your bag?
Hairbrush, cigarettes, lip liner, perfume, and the obvious keys, phone etc.
How many glasses of water do you drink a day?
Fuckin’ hell. I’m up and down with this one. Sometimes I’m Sahara Desert, sometimes I’m jungle river. It’s hard to predict.
If you could time-travel to any gig, what would it be?
I’d just be in my early 20s throughout the whole of the 1990s, and then peacefully die.
It’s been a Brat summer, but what kind of winter will we have?
God, no more Brat. Great music, but fuck me, I’m done. Winter will be the era of telepathy.
What’s your favourite era of Madonna?
Dunno. Songs like ‘Cherish’ and ‘Crazy for You’, they’re my faves – so whatever that era is.
What’s your favourite piece of trivia?
I don’t care what people say, I believe wisdom teeth are connected to our ancestors.
What are two of your favourite albums?
Loveless by My Bloody Valentine, and Inside In/Inside Out by the Kooks.

When can we next see you live, and what have you got coming up in 2025?
Favourite Days, Mutations, Live at Leeds, and then in 2025, we’re planning some longer tours in the UK and Europe.
Is social media as important as everyone makes out?
Yeah, probably. Bit of a nightmare, to be honest. If you can be authentic, then you won’t cringe yourself out as much. Regretfully, I’ve made myself heave a couple of times, but then you carry on.
What question should we add to this list?
“Are you a risk-taker, or are you a comfort-zone queen?”